Responsible Coexistence

Our Mission

To enhance our urban environments, by taking the lead through responsible actions, so that humans and bears can coexist peacefully.

To foster peaceful coexistence between humans and bears by directly addressing the root causes of conflict. Through our unique approach, we not only raise awareness but also invest funds into tangible solutions that benefit both species, ensuring the long-term survival of bears while prioritizing the concerns and safety of local communities. Our commitment to direct action and measurable results drives us to make a meaningful impact in the lives of both humans and bears. 

We Take a Different Approach


By leveraging platforms like YouTube, we are able to reach a broader, dedicated audience, expanding our impact and generating a sustainable income through ad revenue and partner programs to help support our future goals.

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Strategically placed exhibitions within active human-bear conflict zones showcase the majesty of these beautiful creatures while simultaneously highlighting the extreme consequences of coexisting with us in our neighborhoods.

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By harnessing the power of books, our goal is to broaden our reach and educate and inspire individuals worldwide about the significance of coexistence between humans and bears, all while raising funds to further our mission.

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Open Sans

Noto Sans

Bebas Neue

Great Vibes

Rock Salt





Indie Flower


Roboto Slab


Noto Serif

Open Sans







Action Where It Counts

Bear Town Foundation is dedicated to addressing the underlying causes of human-bear conflicts through a proactive and hands-on approach. Our unique solution focuses on direct investment in resolving each conflict issue, rather than simply raising awareness. We believe in identifying the specific needs of each conflict situation, developing a comprehensive action plan, and implementing the necessary measures to prevent future conflicts.

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"Enhancing our urban environments, by taking the lead through responsible actions, so that humans and bears can

coexist peacefully."

Vision Statement

We envision a future where humans and bears thrive together, living in harmony and appreciation for each other's existence. Through our innovative programs and initiatives, Bear Town Foundation seeks to create sustainable solutions that not only mitigate the conflicts between humans and bears but also nurture a deeper understanding and respect for these magnificent creatures.

Our dedication to producing high-quality videos and leveraging platforms like YouTube enables us to reach a wider audience, expanding our impact and generating a sustainable income to support our goals. Additionally, by harnessing the power of books, we aim to extend our reach and further educate and inspire individuals worldwide about the importance of coexistence. Together, we strive towards a world where humans and bears coexist peacefully and enjoy a shared future.

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